Wine & Cheese Community Groups
Community groups are our proverbial bread and butter of Parkside Church, or perhaps more appropriately our wine and cheese. Either way, we have small groups for all ages and stages of life that gather weekly to study Scripture and apply the gospel to daily life. Most meet in homes. Most serve things other than wine and cheese too, but boy, do we love good cheese.
Children and Youth
Our Montessori-based pedagogy, supports your child to love God with all their hearts, minds, and strength and to love their neighbor as themselves. We support inquisitive questions, creative expression, and allowing children to have the time to wonder and ponder. On Sundays our “Inclusive Atrium” provides a weekly community for kids from 0 to 3, 3 to 6 and 6 to 9 and 9 to 12 have Christian formation with individualized or small group lessons. Children ages 3 to 12 return to the sanctuary to join their families at communion so they can share in Jesus special meal with their community. To find out more look here.
We love college students and cadets. Parkside Church houses the office of Charleston-area Presbyterian Campus Ministry. This ministry meets weekly on campus at both the College of Charleston (where its called “Empowher”) and the Citadel Military College (where it’s called “Journey”). Presbyterian Campus Ministry also provides rides from campus to us on Sunday mornings. Get in touch with Presbyterian Campus Ministry Director Erin Norton at cofcempowher@gmail.com or visit their website at www.charlestonjourney.org.
Young Adults
Whether you’re in a grad school at MUSC or just getting your first job as a young professional, Parkside Church is a great community for young adults. In fact, most of our Wine & Cheese Community Groups are led by young adults. Outside of Sunday morning, we recommend that this is the best way to get connected and make meaningful relationships.
Men’s Crew
We get it. Not all guys can handle sharing their theological musings and feelings in a small group bible study. So as a discipleship “plan B,” we have a crew of men that meets sometimes for a brief chat on what it means to be a Christian man, but usually just to hang out or grill out.